“Starting on a drawer might seem like an insignificant project, but it can be just as
transformative as organizing a larger space (and what is better than an organized bathroom
drawer?!)” The Home Edit:Life
Like many of you, when we hunkered down into COVID lockdown for the first time in March
2020, we enthusiastically started tackling toy drawers, our elastic clothing closet (fat to skinny
clothes) and basement storage. Many garbage bags later, we felt lighter, free-er and a great
sense of accomplishment!
But, it wasn’t long before the uncertainty of the pandemic wore us down and we soon tired of
cleaning and purging. With the longer days and warmer temperatures we quickly moved
outside – poolside or lakeside to enjoy Rose All Day.
We never quite got back our initial enthusiasm for cleaning until recently, when we picked up
Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin’s latest book in their The Home Edit series – The Home Edit :
Life. It was their “drawer” quote that got us thinking about re-energizing our homes by starting
out one drawer at a time.
Honestly, we went into this new adventure with a certain degree of skepticism. How exactly
would tackling a drawer at a time make us feel? We were pleasantly surprised.
So, join us for the next 3 weeks as we transform our homes…one drawer or shelf at a time.